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Easy DIY: How to Clean Hot Tub Filters with These 4 Steps

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How to Clean Hot Tub Filters

If you’re a hot tub owner or planning to get one, you have to make sure to take care of it well. One of the parts of hot tubs that will affect the water quality is the filters. As you may have known that filters are the ones that provide you with safe and clean water. You have to clean it regularly especially if you use the hot tub often or you have to replace it with a new one if you spot any damage.

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How to Clean Hot Tub Filters

Cleaning and maintaining hot tub filters are easy and you can do it by yourself. Below are a few steps and tips that you can follow.

Prepare the Cleaner

Before starting the process, get the product ready. The solution or cleaning product can be found easily both online and at the nearest hot tub or home supplies store.

Shut Off the Power

Shutting off the hot tub power is to ensure there will be no clogged pump impellers and water quality issues since the filter is removed.

  • Usually, the power button is on the bottom side. To make sure, read the manual guide from the manufacturer.
  • Once the power is off, you can start removing the filter.

Take Out the Filter

If you’re a new hot tub owner, check the guideline book to know where the filter is installed and how to safely remove it.

  • Based on the guideline, take out the filter safely.
  • Once you remove the filter, check to see if there’s a problem.
  • If the filter is discolored or has any visible damage, dispose of it and replace it with a new filter.

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Start Cleaning

There are three ways to clean hot tub filters based on the filter’s condition.

1. Quick Rinse (Weekly)

This is the quickest method to clean your filter as a weekly process to keep away debris and chemical contaminants.

  • Clean the filters thoroughly with a garden hose or in a large sink.
  • Spread each pleat and rinse well between them to get any dirt, hair, or other debris out.
  • Dry the filter before putting it back into the spa.

2. Chemical Rinse/Spray (Monthly)

A quick rinse can be done monthly or fortnightly depending on hot tub usage.

  • Clean the filter with a quick rinse to remove large debris.
  • Spray the hot tub filter solution and wait for 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Check the manufacturer’s instructions to see the concentrate that must be diluted.
  • After 10 – 15 minutes, rinse it thoroughly with clean water otherwise it will cause foaming.

3. Deep Clean (every 3-4 months)

This way is the slowest but the most thorough one as it allows the solution to soak into the filter’s pleats. You can do this step when you’re draining and refilling the water which also ideally happens for 3 – 4 months.

  • Use a large and clean bucket, pour the soak solution and dilute it with water according to the instructions.
  • Put the filter inside the bucket and make sure that it’s completely submerged.
  • Leave the filter to soak for at least 8 hours but you can also leave it for 24 hours.
  • Rinse the filter thoroughly with clean water.
  • Wait until the filter dries before putting it back in the hot tub.

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If you haven’t checked your hot tub filters for a while, now is the right moment!

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